Figure 5.
Ultrastructural pathology of the liver. A: Lesional area (with fibrillar matrix indicated by arrows). B: Fibers within lesions (arrow) show banding pattern (bracket) consistent with collagen. C: Stellate-shaped eukaryotic cells within lesion matrix show grossly dilated, rough endoplasmic reticulum (arrow) indicative of a high degree of synthetic activity. D: Higher power image of eukaryotic cell that appears to be laying down new collagen fibers (arrow) perpendicular to its surface. E: Bacteria within tissue show trilaminar staining pattern (arrow) characteristic of Gram-negative bacteria and a rough outer surface (arrowhead). F: Liver sinusoid with bacteria (arrow) tracking just outside of a sinusoidal space. Magnifications in A–F: ×1,700, ×26,900, ×6,400, ×10,100, ×33,700, and ×1,700, respectively.