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. 2010 Jun;81(3):211–218. doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2010.03.025

Table 1.

TaqMan results for the 86 strains of mycoplasmas tested in this study.

Species Straina Origin Isolated Host TaqMan
M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC PG1 1931 Cattle/type strain + +
2059 Spain 1984 Cattle/lung + +
B773/125 Portugal 1991 Cattle/semen + +
C305 Portugal 1993 Goat/lung + +
O326 Portugal 1993 Sheep/milk + +
PO 1967 France 1967 Cattle/lung + +
PO 2 France 1980 Cattle/lung + +
2022 France 1984 Cattle/lung + +
L2 Italy 1993 Cattle/lung + +
402 Italy 1990 Cattle/lung + +
6479 Italy 1992 Cattle/lung + +
Afadé Cameroon 1968 Cattle/lung + +
87137-9 Burkina Faso 1987 Cattle + +
Filfili Senegal Pre-1988 Cattle + +
Fatick Senegal 1968 Cattle + +
B17 Chad 1967 Zebu + +
9050-529/1 Ivory Coast 1990 Cattle + +
91130 Central African Republic 1991 Cattle + +
94111 Rwanda 1994 Cattle + +
95014 Tanzania 1995 Cattle + +
T1/44 Tanzania 1952 Cattle/vaccine strain + +
T1lppQMT1 DIVA mutant 2008 Transposon-based random mutagenesis +
T1lppQRSP1 Recombinant mutant 2008 Transposon-based random mutagenesis + +
T1/Sr50 Tanzania 1952 Cattle/vaccine strain + +
KH3J Sudan 1940 Cattle/vaccine strain + +
Gladysdale Australia Pre-1964 Cattle + +
DVZ Australia 1965 Cattle + +
R575 Australia 1965–1968 Cattle + +
V5 Australia 1936 Cattle/vaccine strain + +
Mycoplasma leachii PG50 Australia 1963 Cattle/joint/reference strain +
B5415 Portugal Cattle +
CP291 Portugal Goat/lung +
PAD3186 India 1993 Goat/milk +
FRD424 India 1993 Goat/milk +
Calf 1 Nigeria Cattle/blood +
D318b Germany Cattle/semen +
C2306 Portugal Cattle +
D424 Germany Cattle/preputium +
QR1/92 Australia +
4055 France Cattle/lung +
B144P USA 1956 Cattle/joint +
M. mycoides subsp. capri PG3 Turkey 1950 Goat/type strain
N108 Nigeria 1977 Goat
Capri L France 1975 Goat
9139/11-91 Turkey 1991
WK354/80 Switzerland 1980 Goat
213 India 1984 Goat
Y-goat Australia 1956 Goat/type strain (serovar MmmLC)
152/93 Grand Canary 1993 Goat
LC8065 France Goat
D2482/91 Switzerland 1991 Goat
950010 France 1995 Goat
D2083/91 Switzerland 1991 Goat
CP271 Portugal 1991 Goat
D2503 Switzerland Goat
M. capricolum subsp. capricolum California kid USA 1955 Goat/type strain
173/87 Greece 1987 Sheep
6443.90 France 1990 Goat
M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae F38 Kenya 1976 Goat/type strain
9081-487p Oman 1990 Goat
Gabès Tunisia 1981 Goat
M. bovis PG45 USA 1962 Cattle/milk/type strain
ML1 France Pre-1999 Rabbit/lung
120/81 Germany 1980–1990 Cattle/milk
221/89 Germany 1980–1990 Cattle/milk
86p Belgium 1990–2000 Cattle/milk
39G Belgium 1990–2000 Cattle/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
0435 Belgium 1990–2000 Cattle/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
9585 Belgium 1990–2000 Cattle/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
2610 UK 1990–2000 Cattle/joint fluid
2138 UK 1990–2000 Cattle/milk
2960 UK 1990–2000 Cattle/lung
M. bovirhinis PG43 1967 Cattle/respiratory tract/type strain
O/D1467 Switzerland 2007 Cattle/bronchus
IMD1656 Switzerland 2008 Cattle/bronchus
M. bovigenitalium PG11 United Kingdom Cattle/type strain
2D Australia 1974 Sheep (former serogroup 11 strain)
M. bovoculi RF20391 Cattle
M. agalactiae PG2 Spain 1973 Goat/type strain
3990 France
5725 France 1990 Sheep
M. putrefaciens KS1 USA Goat/type strain
M. ovipneumoniae Y98 Sheep/respiratory tract/type strain
M. conjunctivae HRC/581 USA 1972 Sheep/type strain
M. hyopneumoniae J 1965 Swine/type strain
M. arginini G230 Mouse/brain/type strain

Collections: the strains were obtained from the Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL), Geelong, Victoria, Australia; Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments (AFSSA), Lyon, France; BGVV, Jena, Germany; CIRAD-EMVT, Montpellier, France; Faculdad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Las Palmas, Spain; INRA, Villenave d'Ornon, France; Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology, University of Bern, Switzerland; Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinária, Lisboa, Portugal; Laboratoire de Pathologie Bovine, Lyon, France; National Collection of Type Cultures (NCTC), PHLS, London, UK; National Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden; and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, Belgium.


As determined in this study by real-time PCR of approximately 10 ng of genomic DNA. FT, TaqMan assay with the lppQ-based FAM probe (Bischof et al., 2006); MGB, TaqMan assay with the lppQ-based minor groove binding probe (Vilei et al., 2007).