Activation of GATA2 transcription from exon 1S by EVI1. A, levels of EVI1 and GATA2 transcripts in various types of human myeloid leukemia cell lines as determined by semiquantitative RT-PCR. GATA2/1S transcripts are derived from exon 1S of GATA2; GATA2/1G transcripts are derived from exon 1G, and GATA2/T transcripts are included in both types of transcript. B, induction of GATA2 transcripts in murine stem cell factor-dependent EML-C1 myeloid cells by EVI1 transfection. After EVI1 or Mock expression vectors were transfected into EML-C1 cells, the transfected cells were collected at the indicated time points and used for RT-PCR. C, induction of two types of GATA2 transcripts by EVI1 transfection in EML-C1 cells detected by quantitative real time RT-PCR. A statistical analysis was done using the t test (*, p < 0.05). D, down-regulation of EVI1 by introduction of small hairpin RNA against EVI1 (shEVI1) suppressed GATA2 transcription. shLuc indicates transfection of an shRNA expression vector for the firefly luciferase gene and shNega indicates transfection of an shRNA mock expression vector. Three cell lines with shEVI1 expression were established as shEVI1–1, -2, and -3. Asterisks indicate nonspecific bands.