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. 2009 Dec 8;88(6):420–427. doi: 10.2471/BLT.09.068791

Table 1. Definition and number of surveyed samples and estimated population for each indicator of maternal and child health, Thailand, 2005–2006.

MCH indicator Definitiona Eligible populationb No. of samples (no. of estimated populationc)
I. Maternal health
Outcome indicator
1. Teenage pregnancy First pregnancy at age under 20 years Women aged 15–49 years, having given birth 24 018 (11 950 095)
Coverage indicator
2. Family planning Use of modern contraceptive methods including sterilization, pill, injection, implantation, IUD and condom Women 15–49 years, married to or living with male partner and not known to be pregnant 26 119 (13 079 990)
3. Prenatal care Pregnancy cared for by physicians, nurses, midwives or auxiliary midwives Women 15–49 years, giving birth during the previous 2 years
3 365 (1 848 734)
4. Delivery care
4.1 Delivery by physicians, nurses, midwives or auxiliary midwives
4.2 Delivery in subdistrict health centres; district, provincial and teaching hospitals; and private health facilities
II. Child health
Outcome indicator
5. Low birth weight Babies born with weight below 2.5 kg Women 15–49 years, giving birth during the previous 2 years 3 365 (1 848 734)
6. Child moderate-to-severe malnourishment 6.1 Weight below 2 SD of the mean for the same age (underweight)
6.2 Height below 2 SD of the mean for the same age (stunting)
6.3 Weight below 2 SD of the mean for the same height (wasting)
Children 0–59 months successfully measured for weight and height 8 993 (4 632 238)
7. Child illness 7.1 Mothers or caregivers reporting diarrhoea in the last 2 weeks
7.2 Mothers or caregivers reporting cough with difficulty in breathing and tightness in the chest (suspected pneumonia) in the last 2 weeks
Children 0–59 months 9 409 (4 837 701)
Coverage indicator
8. Treatment for child illness 8.1 Receiving ORS/ORT 8.1 Children 0–59 months with diarrhoea 767 (419 756)
8.2 Receiving advice/treatment from public and private health providers 8.2 Children 0–59 months with suspected pneumonia 379 (219 )
9. Child immunization Receiving one dose of BCG vaccine and MMR vaccine, and three doses of OPV, DPT vaccine and HBV vaccine in their first year of life Children 12–23 months 1 932 (974 880)

BCG, bacille Calmette–Guérin; DPT, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus; HBV, hepatitis B virus; IUD, intrauterine device; MCH, maternal and child health; MMR, measles, mumps and rubella; OPV, oral polio vaccine; ORS/ORT, oral rehydration salts/oral rehydration therapy; SD, standard deviation.

a The numerator for calculating the prevalence or coverage for MCH indicator.

b The denominator for calculating the prevalence or coverage for MCH indicator.

c For the whole country, based on individual household members’ weights of the surveyed samples.