Risk stratification based on presence of high-risk features on fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or cytogenetics (CG) or both. A, Median overall survival (OS) is 16 months vs 35 months vs not reached (NR) for patients with high-risk features on both FISH and CG (n=6), either (n=61), or neither (standard [std]-risk; n=223), respectively; P=.0002. No difference in survival was noted between patients stratified as high-risk by either vs both, which likely reflects the small number of patients in the group with high-risk features on both FISH and CG. B, Median OS is 16 months vs 35 months vs 37 months vs NR for patients stratified as high-risk by both FISH and CG (n=6), high-risk by CG only (n=16), high-risk by FISH only (n=45), and std-risk (n=223), respectively. Note that the survival curves of patients stratified as high-risk by either FISH or CG are intertwined. Rx = therapy.