Figure 6.
Calculated radial decay of steady-state Ca2+ around the channel pore under the influence of the three Ca2+ buffers used: 0.05 mM BAPTA, 0.2 and 5 mM EGTA. The decay was calculated as described in Ref. 2 using a single exponential decay function with a space constant (λ) calculated using the formula: λ = (DCaτ)1/2, where DCa is the diffusion coefficient of Ca2+ and τ is a time constant calculated using the formula: τ = 1/(konB), where kon is the buffer association constant and B is the buffer concentration. Values used were: DCa = 5·10−6·cm−1; konBAPTA = 4·108 M−1·s−1; konEGTA = 2.5·106 M−1·s−1.