(A) Active site view of the hOgg1/oxoG lesion-recognition complex (LRC), with the protein backbone in light gray, side-chains in green, oxoG in pink, and DNA in pale yellow. An ordered water is shown as a pink sphere. Noteworthy hydrogen bonding interactions are indicated by a dashed line. (B) Active site view of the FC (this work), with the protein backbone in dark gray; side-chains, dark green; oxoG, red; DNA, gold; water, red sphere). (C) Heavy atom superposition of the FC with the LRC (color scheme as in B and A, respectively). Curved arrows denote bonds that have undergone substantial rotations. (D) Superposition as in C, but from a perspective that emphasizes the different positions of the α-O helix. Dotted line and distances illustrate the positional shifts at the Cα carbons at the residues indicated in red.