Site-specific glycosylation analyses of rat VNs. Mass spectra of O- and N-glycosylated peptides containing Ser/Thr110–124 (A and B), Asn96 (C), and Asn167 (D). A, MS2 of m/z 1687.72 (precursor ion, [Hex3HexNAc3NeuNAc6 + 2Ac + peptide − 3H]3−) in negative ion mode, and B, MS2 of m/z 1893.76 in positive ion mode ([NeuNAc3 + Ac + HexNAc2 + Hex2 + peptide − 2H]2+, highly sialylated O-glycan) at 27 min (retention time of high-performance liquid chromatography). C, MS2 of the product ion scan of m/z 1404.90 (MS2) from MS ([Hex5HexNAc4NeuNAc3 + peptide − 3H]3+, biantennary complex-type N-glycan with three NeuNAc units) at 30 min. D, MS3 of the fragment ion at m/z 1421.19 ([Hex6HexNAc3 + peptide − 3H]3+, MS2) from MS of m/z 1629.36 ([Hex6HexNAc3NeuNAc2 + Ac + peptide − 3H]3+, biantennary hybrid-type N-glycan) at 41 min. Abbreviations: Ac, O-acetyl residue; Hex, hexose; HexNAc, N-acetylhexosamine. Symbols: diamond, sialic acid; open circle, galactose; square, N-acetylglucosamine; closed circle, mannose; triangle, fucose.