Figure 2.
Multi-position photoactivation set up. (A) Transverse section of E4 trunk tissue with neural tube outlined in white. Dorsoventral length (L) and one-half of medioventral width (W) of the neural tube were measured to calculate the approximate ROI size necessary to cover the entire length of half the neural tube. (B) Multi-position mark and find alignment schematic of ROI's, placed in consecutive sections with an increasing position along the dorsoventral axis, green rectangular boxes. (C–H) Collapsed z-stacks of each slice (6 slices from one embryo), with and without brightfield for clarity, after the ROI's were photoactivated. Slices shown based on the placement of the photoactivated regions in serial sections. (I) Chronological breakdown of the time requirements are necessary for set-up, photoactivation and z-stack in one position. Dor, dorsal;Ven, ventral; NT, neural tube; L, length;W, width; ROI's, regions of interest. The scale bar in (C) is 100 um.