Figure 1.
Example data in the JCB DataViewer. An example of original image data associated with this paper, viewed in the JCB DataViewer. The image shows the following: a 3D stack of a fixed HeLa cell stained with DAPI (blue), anti-INCENP (red), and anti-tubulin (green), recorded using a wide-field microscope; a time-lapse video of a C. elegans embryo expressing GFP-tubulin, recorded using a multiphoton microscope; a transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of bacteriophages visualized using negative stain; a 3D stack of a fixed HeLa cell stained with anti-tubulin, recorded using an OMX 3D structured illumination microscope; a TEM image of Rb bound to DNA; and a 5D image of GFP-coilin and YFP-histone H2B in a HeLa cell, recorded by wide-field microscopy (Platani et al., 2000). An example view of metadata is included at the bottom left. Note that available metadata differ substantially between the different images, depending on the metadata that are stored in the original files. These images and their associated metadata are available at