Figure 6. Sox9-Haploinsufficiency Causes a Mild Proliferation Defect of Pancreatic Progenitors.
The ratio of glucagon+ endocrine cells to PDX1+ pancreatic progenitors is not significantly different between Sox9 heterozygous mutant (Sox9+/Δpan) and wild-type (WT) pancreas (n=3) at e12.5 (A–C). By contrast, the proliferation of PDX1+ progenitors (as measured by percentage BrdU incorporation of PDX1+ cells) is 25% reduced in Sox9+/Δpan pancreas (n=3) at e12.5 (E). Consequently, mean sectional area of both dorsal and ventral Sox9+/Δpan pancreas is 25% reduced compared with those of wild-type littermates at e12.5 (D). The values shown represent mean values ± SEM (standard error of the mean). E-CAD, E-cadherin; GLU, glucagon; DP, dorsal pancreas; VP, ventral pancreas; Duo, duodenum; Li, liver. (A,B) Scale bar = 50µm.