Figure 1.
Comparison of analogous human and mouse mammary cell subsets. Representative FACS dotplots of (a) Lin- human mammary cells isolated from the reduction mastectomy specimen of a 27-year-old woman labeled with CD49f and EpCAM antibodies and (b) Lin- mouse mammary cells isolated from 8-week-old virgin FVB/N mice labeled with CD24, CD29, and CD61 antibodies. The four analogous mammary subsets correspond to the MaSC-enriched (human CD49fhiEpCAM-; mouse CD29hiCD24+CD61+), luminal progenitor (human CD49f+EpCAM+; mouse CD29loCD24+CD61+), mature luminal (human CD49f-EpCAM+; mouse CD29loCD24+CD61-), and stromal (human CD49f-EpCAM-; mouse CD29loCD24-) mammary cell subpopulations. LP: luminal progenitor; Lum: luminal; ML: mature luminal; MS: MaSC-enriched; Str: stromal.