Behavior and unit firing during cocaine extinction. a, FR completion represents the fraction of trials in which the FR10 lever press contingency was completed, resulting in saline infusion. A total of 71 extinction sessions were conducted. The horizontal line represents the cutoff of <80% of FR contingencies met over 2 successive sessions used for b. Although lever pressing behavior was not completely extinguished, it was reduced across extinction sessions (linear regression, p = 1.0 × 1022). b, Comparison of proportion of responsive neurons between sessions during cocaine self-administration (SA) and during extinction (Ext) according to region. Sessions after the criterion indicated on a (session 25–71) were used to calculate the proportion of responsive neurons during extinction. A significant difference was observed in ACC and dorsal striatum by χ2 test comparing SA to Ext (p = 0.0010 for ACC, p = 0.0385 for dorsal striatum). OFC was not significantly different (p = 0.07).