Figure 6.
Analysis of the Infection of Several Viruses in Wild-Type, Nt-RDR1, and RDR6i Plants.
(A) Symptoms of SD-CMV infection in wild-type (Nb), Nt-RDR1, and RDR6i plants. Photographs were taken at 30 DAI.
(B) RNA gel blot analysis of viral RNA accumulation in Nb, Nt-RDR1, and RDR6i plants infected with PPV-GFP, CMV, PVX, PVY, TRV-PDS, or TMV-GFP. Total RNA was extracted from inoculated and systemically infected leaves at 4 and 10 DAI. Blots were probed with 32P-labeled cDNAs specific for the corresponding virus. Methylene blue–stained rRNAs are shown as loading controls. Quantification of viral RNA relative to total RNA is shown at the right part of the panel. The value of Nb was arbitrarily designed as 1.