Figure 8.
In situ analysis OsMADS1 and OsMADS34 transcripts. A to C, In situ hybridization of OsMADS1 transcripts in the wild type. At an early stage, we observed that OsMADS1 expression is detectable in the spikelet meristem at stage Sp4 (A), then restricted to the primordia of lemma/palea during their initiation at stage Sp6 (B), and disappears from the primordia of the lodicules and stamen where the organ differentiation occurs (B). Subsequently, OsMADS1 expression is strongly detected in lemma and palea and weakly detected in the carpel primordia at stage Sp7 (C). D to F, In situ hybridization of OsMADS1 transcripts in osmads34 at stages Sp4, -6, and -7. G to I, In situ hybridization of OsMADS34 transcripts in osmads1-z (stages In7, Sp4, and Sp6). ca, Carpel; fm, floral meristem; le, lemma; lle, leafy lemma; llo, leafy lodicules; lo, lodicules; lpa, leafy palea; lsl, lemma/leaf-like sterile lemma; pa, palea; pb, primary branch; rg, rudimentary glume; sb, secondary branch; sl, sterile lemma; sp, spikelet; st, stamen. Bars = 100 μm in G and 50 μm in A to F, H, and I.