A. Biphasic SMZL with expanded WP nodules consisting of a central core of small lymphocytes surrounded by an outer zone of marginal zone-like cells The lower nodule may demonstrate remnants of a follicular center. B. In contrast to the small lymphocytes in the central core of the WP nodules (top), the cells in the marginal zone are larger, have more dispersed chromatin including some with nucleoli and have more abundant pale cytoplasm. (A&B, case 39) C. Monophasic SMZL with large WP nodule consisting entirely of marginal zone-like cells with no inner core of small lymphocytes. D. The relatively monotonous neoplastic cells resemble a normal splenic marginal zone. (C&D, case 9). E. Unclassifiable splenic small B-cell lymphoma with small lymphocytes diffusely infiltrating the RP. Some WP nodules composed of small lymphocytes were also present. F. The numerous small lymphocytes appear somewhat plasmacytoid. (E&F, case 43). (H&E, A, C, E, 10×; B, D, F, 100×)