Fig. 12.
Immunohistochemical analysis of human bowel. a, increased number of IGF-IR positive inflammatory cells (in brown) in the mucosa and the submucosal in an involved area of Crohn's disease. b, increased number of IGF-IR positive inflammatory cells limited to the mucosa in an involved area of ulcerative colitis. c, no overexpression of IGF-IR in diverticulitis. d, immunohistochemistry with an anti-active caspase 3 antibody: positive inflammatory cells (in red) undergoing apoptosis in an uninvolved area of Crohn's disease. [Reproduced from El Yafi F, Winkler R, Delvenne P, Boussif N, Belaiche J, and Louis E (2005) Altered expression of type I insulin-like growth factor receptor in Crohn's disease. Clin Exp Immunol 139:526–533. Copyright © 2005 British Society for Immunology. Used with permission.].