Properties of native huPGHS-2 and S530A huPGHS-2
Specific activities were determined using a standard O2 electrode
assay with 100 μM AA as substrate.
Km values were determined using AA
concentrations from 1 to 100 μM. The percentage of inhibition by
diclofenac was determined in a standard O2 electrode assay with
100 μM AA after a 10-min preincubation of the enzymes at
24°C with 10 μM diclofenac versus without
diclofenac; 10 μM diclofenac was also added to the assay chamber
in the case of enzyme pretreated with diclofenac. Activation of activity by
20:1ω9 was measured using 5 μM AA plus 25
μM 20:1ω9 in the assay mixtures. Activation of
activity by palmitic acid (16:0) was measured using 5 μM AA plus
25 μM 16:0 in the assay mixtures. The rates reported are maximum
rates occurring after a lag phase. Igor Pro version 6.0 was used for
graphing rates versus AA concentrations in obtaining
Km and Vmax
values. Errors are reported as standard deviations from at least three
kinetic measurements for each substrate or inhibitor concentration.