Table 1.
Parameters and variables in the handling time and attack rate scaling functions
parameter or variable | description |
Hij | handling time for prey i and predator j (s) |
hT0 | normalization constant for handling time at temperature T0 |
mi | mass of a prey individual of type i (g) |
hi | slope of prey mass dependence of handling time |
mj | mass of a predator individual of type j (g) |
hj | slope of predator mass dependence of handling time |
EH | activation energy of handling time (eV) |
b | critical mass ratio in ratio handling time function (equation 2.3) |
T | environmental temperature (K) |
T0 | temperature offset (293.15 K) for regression |
k | Boltzmann contant (eV) |
Aij | attack rate or predator j on prey i (m2 s−1) |
aT0 | normalisation constant for attack rate at temperature T0 |
ai | slope of prey mass dependence of attack rate |
aj | slope of predator mass dependence of attack rate |
EA | activation energy of attack rate (eV) |