Figure 5. The rapamycin analogue RAD001 inhibits adrenocortical tumor cell growth in vitro and in vivo.
A, H295R (red squares), SW-13 (blue triangles), primary ACT (purple circles) and HAC15 (green triangles) cells were cultured in 24-well plates in the presence of DMSO (D) or of increasing concentrations of RAD001. Cells were counted after 6 days of culture in the presence of the drug. SEM is indicated. Data were generated from three different experiments each performed in duplicate. B, H295R xenograft growth in NOD/SCID/γcnull mice treated with placebo (black squares) or with RAD001 (10/mg/kg/day; red triangles). SEM is indicated. Tumor growth was significantly different (**p<0.01, paired t-test) in animals treated with the drug.