In the Tx phase of Israel Cardiovascular Events Reduction with Vitamin E (ICARE), Hp 2-2 diabetes mellitus (DM) individuals who received vitamin E had a significantly lower rate of MI as compared with Hp 2-2 DM individuals who received placebo (* denotes comparison by: 2.7% on placebo vs 0.4% on vitamin E, p = 0.003). At the conclusion of the ICARE study the study drug (placebo or vitamin E) was D/C in all Hp 2-2 DM individuals, but surveillance of all participants for cardiovascular disease events was continued for an additional 18 months. The rate of MI was 4.5-fold higher in the post-treatment phase for those individuals who had been previously treated with vitamin E (** denotes comparison by: 0.4% on vitamin E vs 1.8% after discontinuation of vitamin E, p = 0.03). There was no change in the rate of MI in individuals who had been treated with placebo after the placebo was discontinued (2.7% on placebo vs 2.1% after discontinuation of placebo; p = 0.55).
D/C: Discontinued; MI: Myocardial infarction; Tx: treatment.