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. 2010 Jun 1;60(575):e239–e245. doi: 10.3399/bjgp10X502128
Scale Item Factor 1 Factor 2
 H1 Still enjoy things 0.594 0.338
 H2 Can laugh 0.371 0.631
 H3 Feel cheerful 0.343 0.670
 H4 Feel slowed down 0.752 0.046
 H5 Lost interest in appearance 0.560 0.299
 H6 Look forward with enjoyment 0.562 0.568
 H7 Can enjoy book/radio/TV 0.073 0.664

 P1 Little interest or pleasure in doing things 0.610 0.568
 P2 Feeling down, depressed, hopeless 0.581 0.532
 P3 Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much 0.657 0.306
 P4 Feeling tired or having little energy 0.795 0.278
 P5 Poor appetite or overeating 0.704 0.237
 P6 Feeling bad about self, or a failure, or have let self or family down 0.531 0.571
 P7 Trouble concentrating, such as reading newspaper or watching TV 0.267 0.768
 P8 Moving or speaking more slowly, or being restless, moving more than usual 0.296 0.648
 P9 Thoughts of self-harm 0.203 0.706

HADS-D = depression subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire. Figures in bold are items with high (>0.500) loadings on each factor.