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. 2010 May 12;11:89. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-11-89

Table 1.

Characteristics of participants.

Parameter Normal population n = 94 Traumatic hand injury n = 88 HAVS n = 30
Gender (male/female) 69/25 69/19 26/4
Age1 48 (20-73) 46 (21-84)2 54 (24-66)2
Smoker Yes/No 15/79 24/66 5/25
Time since injury (months)1 - 16 (8-28) -
Years of vibration exposure1 - - 29 (4-46)
DASH score (0-100)3, 1 - 22 (1-97)4 38 (5-74)4
HISS1, 5 - 75 (5-305) -
Vibration-induced white fingers (VWF)6 - -
Stage 0 13*
 1 7
 2 7
 3 3
 4 0
Sensorineural symptoms6 - -
Stage 0 3
 1 9
 2 10
 3 8
Impaired vibrotactile sense7 - - 26

1 Median (range)

2 Patients with HAVS were significantly older than patients with traumatic hand injuries (p = 0.01)

3 0 = no disability, 100 = severest disability [22]

4 Patients with HAVS had significantly higher scores indicating more severe disability (p = 0.001)

5 Hand Injury Severity Score [20]

6 Stockholm Workshop scale

7 SI-index < 0.8 in at least one finger [35]

* 8 of 13 patients had cold sensitivity without blanching of skin (i.e. equal to 0.5 in a modified Stockholm Workshop scale, VWF)