Figure 3.
Nef-mediated downregulation of cell surface CXCR4, CCR5 and CD4 by integrase-deficient (D116N) virus. A. Flow cytometry dot plots demonstrating analysis of GFP positive cells in gate R2, depicting cells infected with integrase-deficient D116N virus. Cells infected with integrase deficient virus bearing the Δ-nef mutation demonstrate higher expression of CXCR4 than cells infected with wt nef virus. The histogram shows a direct comparison of CXCR4 levels for wt nef virus (shaded grey) and Δ-nef virus (black line, white background). B. Cells infected with integrase-deficient virus bearing the Δ-nef mutation demonstrate higher levels of expression of CCR5 than those infected by wt nef virus. The histogram shows a direct comparison of CCR5 levels after infection by wt nef virus (shaded grey) vs. Δ-nef virus (black line, white background). C. Cells infected with the integrase-deficient D116N virus were analyzed relative to uninfected cells for the presence of CD4, CXCR4 and CCR5 after infection with wt integrase virus containing either a wt nef or the Δ-nef mutation. The geometric means of fluorescence for each receptor are expressed relative to Δ-nef virus infection receptor levels. Results are from 3-5 independent experiments, each with two replicate infections. Error bars indicate standard deviations. For each receptor, statistical comparisons between wt nef and Δ-nef virus were performed by two-tailed unpaired t-tests, p < 0.001 (***), p < 0.05 (*).