Representative examples of circadian behavior of three independent experiments. (A–D) Averaged activity for 6 days in a 12 h:12 h LD cycle. (A) w1118 control flies. (B) pdfr5304, a large deletion mutant of pdfr. (C) pdfr5304; ; attP2, pdfr5304 with an empty docking site. (D) pdfr5304; ; pdfr-myc/+, pdfr5304 with a single copy of pdfr-myc. (E–H) Representative actograms of single flies of each genotype for 6 days in LD and 9 days in DD. Wild-type control w1118 exhibits normal morning and evening peaks under LD and a free-running rhythm with a 23.5 hr period (A, E). A larger pdfr deletion (pdfr5304) produced an advanced evening peak and weak or no morning peak; under DD, ~50 % of pdfr5304 became arrhythmic and ~50% displayed short, weak rhythms of ~22 hr period (B, F). pdfr5304; ; attP2 – control for the rescue experiment: pdfr5304 mutant flies containing the attP2 docking site that lacks any pdfr sequences. This control construct cannot rescue the behavioral defects of either pdfr3369 (data not shown) or pdfr5304 (C, G). pdfr5304; ; pdfr-myc/+: 70 kB pdfr-myc transgene in pdfr5304 background. Both LD and DD behavioral defects of both pdfr mutants were rescued by the 70 kB pdfr-myc transgene (D, H) (compiled data is presented in Table 6).