Figure 2.
Determination of partial chorion prophenoloxidase (proPO) sequences. (A) Protein profiles of solubilized embryonic and chorion proteins on SDS-PAGE gel: phosphate buffer and 0.5% Triton-100 solubilized embryonic proteins (lanes 1 and 2), 2.0% SDS solubilized chorion proteins (lane 3), and protein standards (lane 4). The gel section within the two arrows denotes positions corresponding to protein fractions containing chorion proPO. To obtain high quality spectra, the actual amount of either embryonic or chorion protein used for in-gel digestion was about eight-fold more than shown on the SDS-PAGE. (B, C, D) MS/MS spectra of the 2044.113, 1643.751 and 1061.502 proPO tryptic precursor ions. The red, blue and green fragments represent y-ion, b-ion and a-ion, respectively.