Remodeling of rHDL. NDGGE (4–20% Tris-glycine polyacrylamide gel) of 7.8-nm (A and C) and 9.6-nm (B and D) wild-type apoA-I rHDL incubated at 37 °C for 7 days in the presence (C and D) or absence (A and B) of a 5-fold molar excess of lipid-free plasma-purified apoA-I is shown. Incubation of 7.8- and 9.6-nm rHDL at 4 °C is reported in the last lane of each gel. The samples were analyzed as described for Fig. 2. The molecular weight markers were from the high molecular weight calibration kit from GE Healthcare. The figure represents composite gels in which lanes from the electrophoretic runs at each time point were combined by alignment of the molecular weight markers. See supplemental Fig. S3, for a representative original gel (24-h time point).