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. 2010 Apr 26;28(16):2719–2726. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2009.27.0454

Table 1.

Characteristics of Lung Cancer Patients and Controls From the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial

Characteristic With Available Serum
With Available DNA
Controls (n = 670)
Patients (n = 592)
P* Controls (n = 447)
Patients (n = 378)
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Age at enrollment, years
    ≤ 59 120 17.9 112 18.9 88 19.7 80 21.2
    60-64 188 28.1 164 27.7 129 28.8 106 28.0
    65-69 215 32.1 197 33.3 147 32.9 128 33.9
    70-74 147 21.9 119 20.1 83 18.6 64 16.9
    Female 234 34.9 186 31.4 177 39.6 131 34.7
    Male 436 65.1 406 68.6 270 60.4 247 65.3
Smoking status
    Never smoker 117 17.5 39 6.6 98 21.9 30 7.9
    Former smoker 317 47.3 317 53.5 217 48.6 217 57.4
        0-29 Pack-years and quit for < 15 years 30 4.5 30 5.1 21 4.7 23 6.1
        0-29 Pack-years and quit for ≥ 15 years 65 9.7 65 11.0 49 11.0 44 11.6
        30-39 Pack-years and quit for < 15 years 48 7.2 48 8.1 32 7.1 30 7.9
        30-39 Pack-years and quit for ≥ 15 years 21 3.1 21 3.5 16 3.6 17 4.5
        40-49 Pack-years and quit for < 15 years 18 2.7 18 3.0 15 3.3 14 3.7
        40-49 Pack-years and quit for ≥ 15 years 13 1.9 13 2.2 8 1.8 11 2.9
        50+ Pack-years and quit for < 15 years 103 15.4 103 17.4 64 14.3 66 17.5
        50+ Pack-years and quit for ≥ 15 years 19 2.8 19 3.2 12 2.7 12 3.2
    Current smoker 236 35.2 236 39.9 132 29.4 131 34.7
        0-29 Pack-years 49 7.3 49 8.3 32 7.1 26 6.9
        30-39 Pack-years 73 10.9 73 12.3 40 8.9 39 10.3
        40-49 Pack-years 18 2.7 18 3.1 9 2.0 11 2.9
        50+ Pack-years 96 14.3 96 16.2 51 11.4 55 14.6
Race/ethnicity .114 .386
    White 610 91.0 522 88.2 407 91.0 338 89.4
    Black 29 4.3 43 7.3 20 4.5 27 7.1
    Hispanic 6 0.9 10 1.7 7 1.6 4 1.1
    Asian/Pacific Islander 25 3.7 17 2.9 13 2.9 9 2.4
Education .017 .172
    High school graduate or less 216 32.2 233 39.4 155 34.7 148 39.2
    College or more 454 67.8 359 60.6 292 65.3 230 60.8
Body mass index at enrollment .143 .255
    < 18.5 4 0.6 8 1.4 2 0.4 4 1.0
    18.5-24.9 216 32.2 217 36.7 140 31.3 121 32.0
    25.0-29.9 313 46.7 253 42.7 211 47.2 162 42.9
    ≥ 30 126 18.8 109 18.4 88 19.7 88 23.3
    Missing 11 1.7 5 0.8 6 1.3 3 0.8
Regular use of aspirin or ibuprofen .584 .248
    Yes 437 65.2 381 64.4 300 67.1 242 64.0
    No 233 34.8 210 35.5 147 32.9 136 36.0
    Missing 0 0.0 1 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0
History of bronchitis/emphysema < .001 .073
    Yes 72 10.8 111 18.8 47 10.5 62 16.4
    No 586 87.4 458 77.3 392 87.7 300 79.4
    Missing 12 1.8 23 3.9 8 1.8 16 4.2
History of heart disease .804 .329
    Yes 96 14.3 93 15.7 55 12.3 62 16.4
    No 561 83.7 470 79.4 383 85.7 300 79.4
    Missing 13 2.0 29 4.9 9 2.0 16 4.2
Family history of lung cancer .004 .012
    Yes 74 11.0 103 17.4 49 11.0 67 17.7
    No 568 84.8 451 76.2 384 85.9 288 76.2
    Missing 28 4.2 38 6.4 14 3.1 23 6.1

NOTE. Of the 626 patients and 716 controls included in this study, serum specimens were available for 592 patients and 670 controls, and DNA specimens were available for 378 patients and 447 controls. Results are shown separately for subjects with available serum or DNA specimens. P values in boldface are statistically significant at P < .05.


P values are from conditional logistic regression models. Models included adjustment for study matching factors: age at enrollment, sex, year of random assignment, follow-up time in study in years, and smoking status (never smokers, former smokers matched on pack-years of smoking and time since quitting, and current smokers matched on pack-years of smoking). Subjects with missing values were excluded from the P value calculation.

Matching variable. The distributions do not appear identical in the table because the case:control ratio varies according to smoking status.