Figure 1. dSH2B is required for normal growth of flies.
(A) A schematic representation of Drosophila and Homo sapiens SH2B proteins. PH: pleckstrin homolog domain; SH2: Src homolog 2 domain. The numbers indicate the similarity/identity, respectively. (B–C) dSH2B mRNA abundance (normalized to RPL32) in wild type w1118 flies (> 400 embryos, >240 larvae, 40 pupae and 40 adult flies). L1: first instar, L2: second instar, L3: third instar lavae. (D) dSH2B mRNA abundance in wild type w1118 adult flies under fed or starved conditions (n=4, 40 flies). (E) Total RNA was extracted from the whole body of dSH2BD/D (D/D) and wild type (WT) adult flies (3 days) and reversely transcribed into cDNAs. dSH2B or β-actin cDNAs were amplified by PCR using dSH2B- or β-actin-specific primers. (F) Third instar larvae and adult flies. (G) The length of third instar larvae (WT and D/D: 64 flies) and the body weight of adult fly flies at 1 day of age (WT and D/D: 160 flies). (H) Adult fly Wings (3 days). Enlarged images are on the right. (I) Wing area and the size and total number of wing epithelial cells in adult flies at 3 days of age (n=32). *p<0.05.