Figure 10.
Computer modeling of wt and the Y567A mutant ternary complex with the observed dATP:8-oxoG or dCTP:8oxoG translocating from the nascent base-pairing position to the product position. A. Structure showing the terminal template base G (dG(N-1)) opposite the dideoxy-terminated nucleotide dC in the wt RB69pol ternary complex structure with Y567A modeled into the structure (PDB entry 1IG9). The mutation site is shown in magenta. Hydrogen bonds are shown in green dotted lines. B. Corresponding wt structure showing that Y567 and Y391 can form a hydrogen bond. C. Superposition of the anti-8-oxoG:dCTP base-pair onto the dG(N-1):dC base-pair. Black arrows illustrate which interactions are unfavorable. D. Superposition of the syn-8-oxoG:dATP base-pair onto the dG(N-1):dC base-pair. Black arrows illustrate which interactions are unfavorable.