Figure 2. NOMPC localization in abdominal bristles from wild type or nompC mutants.
Abdominal cuticles from wild type (A) or nompC mutants (B–C) pharate adults were doubly stained with anti-NOMPC (magenta) and anti-EYS (mAb 21A6, green) antibodies. Focal anti-NOMPC signals at bristle bases (arrowheads in A) were seen in wild type, but not in nompC null (B). In nompC4 (C), reduced NOMPC foci are present in the bristle bases (arrow heads in C), distal to the EYS foci, as in wild type; but a significant amount of signal is also seen in the cell body region (outlined by dotted lines in C). Scattered non-specific signals are seen in both wild type and mutant cuticles. The arrows indicate anti-EYS staining at the basal end of the sensory cilia. Note: the gain of magenta channel in B and C is much higher than that in A. Scale bars represent 10 µm.