Fig. 7.
10,12 CLA–mediated insulin resistance is attenuated by KN-62. A: Cultures of newly differentiated human adipocytes were treated for 48 h with BSA vehicle (V); 50 μM 10,12 CLA (10); 10,12 CLA + 10 μM KN-62 (10+K); 10,12 CLA + 100 μM TMB (10+T); 10 μM KN-62 (K); or 100 μM TMB-8 (T). Cultures were harvested and immunoblotted for PPARγ and GAPDH. B: Cultures were treated for 48 h with BSA vehicle (V); 50 μM 10,12 CLA alone (10); or 10,12 CLA in the presence of 10 μM KN-62 (10+K). Cells were harvested for RNA, and SOCS-3 and GAPDH were measured by real-time PCR. C: Cultures were treated for 48 h with BSA vehicle (V); 50 μM 10,12 CLA alone (10); or 10,12 CLA in the presence of 10 μM KN-62 (10+K). Uptake of basal or insulin-stimulated [3H]2- deoxy-glucose was subsequently measured in cultures treated without (−) or with (+) insulin. Means (± SEM; n = 3) that do not share a common lower case letter differ (P < 0.05). Data in all panels are representative of three independent experiments. One-way ANOVA was used to compare data.