Figure 6.
The model. a. Possible states and state transitions of bacterial cells,. All transitions allowed by the formal model are shown, regardless whether they take place during normal colony development; open arrows indicate production of quorum (downwards; arrow size is proportional to the intensity of production) and odor (upwards) signals. Each transition is labeled by the triggering factor (N - colony thickness, A - time spent in early stationary phase, Qlim - limiting quorum concentration, Olim1 and Olim2 - limiting odor level). b, c. Development of simulated rimmed and rimless colonies. Temporal development of colony size and odor level (b), and colony sections and quorum concentration profiles at selected points during colony development (c). All values are in relative/arbitrary units. Quorum and sensitivity parameters (quorum limit for inhibition Qlim, limiting odor concentration for growth reactivation Olim1 and limiting odor concentration for growth inhibition Olim2) for the simulations are shown in the figure. Other simulation parameters were: maximum colony thickness N = 140; quorum production factor P = 1; odor production factor O = 0.01; stationary to exponential quorum production ratio S = 10; quorum production window A = 5; normalized diffusion factor D = 0.495; diffusion approximated by G = 5 iterations.