Figure 6.
Gene expression levels (mRNA) of COX2, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α for immortalized hVFFs cultured in/on Carbylan GSX or Matrigel at Day 7. Y-axis demonstrates fold of control (polystyrene or Matrigel) of each target gene (mRNA concentration ng/μl), normalized by housekeeping gene, β-actin mRNA (ng/μl). (A) Polystyrene was used as control and mRNA level on polystyrene after seven days of culture was defined as 1.0. Y-axis showed the fold change of mRNA levels in 2D and 3D Carbylan GSX; (B) Matrigel was used as control and mRNA level in Matrigel after seven days of culture was defined as 1.0. The y-axis showed the fold change of mRNA levels in 3D Carbylan GSX. ** p<0.01