Figure 9.
WS ST rats. Forelimb and hindlimb propulsive forces are coordinated in opposition in injured rats. Phase II forces are shown and differences shaded. Top : stance phase of limbs during transition across plates. A : antagonistic decelerative actions of forelimbs (dotted line) and propulsive forces from the hindlimbs (solid line). Rostrocaudal forces correlate negatively and in a manner significantly different from normal. Individual peak contributions (~0.5N) of forelimbs or hindlimbs are ~25% of body weight (<2N). The forces show several peaks per cycle. Not all can be related to stance transitions, e.g. peak at *. B. Lateral forces: mediolateral force (~0.4N peak) is exerted in both forelimbs (dotted line) and hindlimbs (solid line). C: Antigravity forces: Forelimbs (dotted line) carry about 60% of total body weight here, close to the typical mean of our ST rats, and significantly more than normal rats.