Frontal eye field (FEF) and dorsal anterior cingulate (dACC) activation. A, B: Statistical maps of group differences in fMRI activation at 4 s for the antisaccade versus prosaccade contrast. Statistical maps are displayed on the inflated cortical surfaces of the template brain at p<0.05. Regions of greater activation in controls are depicted in warm colors; greater activation in ASD patients is depicted in blue. The regions of interest are outlined in yellow. The gray masks cover subcortical regions in which activity is displaced in a surface rendering. C, D: Hemodynamic response functions. All plots correspond to the vertex that showed the largest contrast effects within the respective ROI. The top row shows activation in antisaccade versus prosaccade trials. The middle and bottom rows show activation for the control and ASD groups, respectively, during antisaccade and prosaccade trials separately, each relative to the fixation condition. Asterisks denote significance levels of p≤.05 at individual time points.