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. 2010 Apr 6;31(5):408–418. doi: 10.1159/000296277

Table 1.

Characteristics of included randomized controlled trials

Source Intervention Trial type Inclusion of CKD patients Number of patients Mean age years Male % ladad score1
Adabagetal. [18], 2008 NAC Prevention Yes 102 71 100 5
Amano et al. [19], 1994 Glutathione Prevention No 19 57.5 NR 3
Barr and Kolodner [22], 2008 NAC, fenoldopam Prevention Yes 79 74.2 65.8 4
Bolcaletal. [25], 2006 Leukodepletion Prevention Yes 50 56.9 72 3
Burns et al. [28], 2005 NAC Prevention Yes 295 69.1 78.7 5
Fischer et al. [41], 2005 NAC Prevention NR 40 66 77.5 5
Gerrahetal. [44], 2004 Aspirin Prevention Yes 94 68.5 78 1
Haaseetal. [45], 2007 NAC Prevention Yes 60 68.6 73.3 5
Loefetal. [54], 2004 Dexamethasone Prevention No 20 63.7 85 3
McBride et al. [58], 2004 Methylprednisolone Prevention Yes 36 61.45 97.2 2
Ristikankare et al. [67], 2006 NAC Prevention Yes 77 70.5 80.5 5
Sisillo et al. [73], 2008 NAC Prevention Yes 254 72.5 49 5
Tang et al. [78], 2002 Leukodepletion Prevention Yes 44 63.5 85 3
Wijeysundera et al. [81], 2007 NAC Prevention Yes 177 73.5 59.5 5

Chen et al. [33], 2007 Nesiritide Prevention Yes 36 77.5 61.5 4
Hayashida et al. [47], 2000 ANP Prevention NR 18 60.3 80 2
Mahesh et al. [55], 2008 Furosemide Prevention Yes 42 71.3 73.8 4
Mentzer et al. [59], 2007 Nesiritide Prevention Yes 272 63.9 78.5 5
Meyer et al. [60], 1997 Urodilatin Treatment Yes 14 59.4 NR 3
Nuutinen and Hollmen [64], 1976 Furosemide Prevention NR 45 35.1 53.3 1
Sezaietal. [70], 2000 ANP Prevention NR 40 63.5 87.5 3
Sezaietal. [71], 2007 ANP Prevention No 124 67.25 70.2 3
Sirivella et al. [72], 2000 Mannitol, furosemide, DA Treatment Yes 100 71 62.5 3
Smith et al. [74], 2008 Mannitol Prevention Yes 47 74.7 72.3 5
Sward et al. [77], 2004 ANP Treatment Yes 59 69.7 71 5
Yallopetal. [84], 2008 Mannitol Prevention No 40 63.2 75 5

Abe et al. [17], 1993 PGE1 Prevention NR 20 55 NR 3
Amano et al. [20], 1995 Diltiazem Prevention NR 23 54.4 NR 2
Berendes et al. [23], 1997 Dopexamine Prevention NR 44 61.5 59.1 3
Bergman et al. [24], 2002 Diltiazem Prevention Yes 24 72.5 92 5
Boveetal. [27], 2005 DA, fenoldopam Prevention Yes 80 68.5 72.5 4
Caimmietal. [29], 2003 Fenoldopam Prevention Yes 160 69 66.3 2
Carcoana et al. [30], 2003 DA, mannitol Prevention Yes 100 64 72 5
Cogliati et al. [34], 2007 Fenoldopam Prevention Yes 193 70 0.6 5
Colsonetal. [35], 1990 ACE inhibitor Prevention Yes 18 58 100 3
Costa et al. [36], 1990 DA, nitroprusside Prevention Yes 36 58.6 NR 3
Dehneetal. [37], 2001 Dopexamine Prevention NR 36 63.4 100 2
Durai et al. [39], 2000 DA, mannitol Prevention No 36 53.7 63.9 3
Gatotetal. [43],2004 DA Prevention Yes 82 65 NR 5
Halpenny et al. [46], 2001 Fenoldopam Prevention No 31 64 24.3 3
Kayaetal. [48], 2007 Sodium nitroprusside Prevention Yes 240 61.1 63.7 5
Kramer et al. [50], 2002 Theophylline Prevention No 56 60.4 75 4
Lassnigg et al. [52], 2000 DA, furosemide Prevention Yes 123 63.3 68.3 4
Lema et al. [53], 1998 DA, phenylephrine Prevention Yes 17 65 85 2
Monaco et al. [61], 2005 DA Prevention Yes 67 65.8 70.7 2
Morgeraetal. [62], 2002 Prostacyclin Prevention NR 34 61.5 91.2 3
Mylesetal. [63], 1993 DA Prevention Yes 52 61.6 63 4
Piper et al. [66], 2003 DA, diltiazem Prevention Yes 60 67.7 66.7 5
Ryckwaert et al. [68], 2001 ACE inhibitor Prevention Yes 14 63.2 92.9 4
Sumerayetal. [76], 2001 DA Prevention Yes 36 63.4 91.7 5
Tang et al. [80], 1999 DA Prevention No 40 58.7 60 2
Witczaketal. [82], 2008 Nifedipine Prevention Yes 20 66.8 80 5
Woo et al. [83], 2002 DA Prevention Yes 42 65.5 58.5 3
Yavuzetal. [85], 2002 DA Prevention No 22 56.1 91 2
Yavuzetal. [86], 2002 DA, diltiazem Prevention No 60 59.3 86.7 2

Ascioneetal. [21], 1999 Off-pump Prevention Yes 50 61.6 90 2
Carrier et al. [31], 2003 Off-pump Prevention Yes 65 70 76.9 3
Celiketal. [32], 2005 Off-pump Prevention Yes 60 67.1 51.7 3
Kocakulaket al. [49], 2005 Off-pump pulsatile Prevention NR 40 53.7 77.5 2
Masoumi et al. [57], 2008 Off-pump Prevention NR 124 58.9 83 3
Onoratietal. [65], 2007 Off-pump pulsatile Prevention Yes 100 68 93 3
Sajjaetal. [69], 2007 Off-pump Prevention Yes 116 60.3 88.8 3
Strakaetal. [75], 2004 Off-pump Prevention Yes 388 62.5 81.5 3
Tang et al. [79], 2002 Off-pump Prevention Yes 40 66 80 3

Boldtetal. [26], 2008 Albumin Prevention Yes 50 82.5 50 2
Demirkilic et al. [38], 2004 Early CVVHDF Treatment Yes 61 60.5 NR 2
Durmazetal. [40], 2003 RRT Prevention Yes 44 56.2 79.4 2
Gandhi et al. [42], 2007 Insulin Prevention NR 371 63 69 5
Kulkaetal. [51], 1996 Clonidine Prevention NR 50 57.5 78 3
Marathias et al. [56], 2006 Hydration with 0.5% normal saline Prevention Yes 64.1 95 2

Multicenter trials: Burns et al. [28], Kaya et al. [48], Mentzer et al. [59], Meyer et al. [60], and Sward et al. [77]. Industry sponsor: Barr and Kolodner [22], Chen et al. [33], Gandhi et al. [42], Hal-penny et al. [46], and Kramer et al. [50],

NAC = N-Acetylcysteine; ANP = atrial natriuretic peptide; DA = dopamine; ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; NR = not reported; RRT = renal replacement therapy; CVVHDF = continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration.


Jadad score awards one point for randomization, appropriateness of randomization, blinding, appropriateness of blinding, and description of withdrawal and dropouts, with a maximum score of 5.