Figure 3. Caspase-1 activation and cell death triggered by macrophages in response to the Yersinia T3SS are inhibited by YopK.
(A) WT (B6) BMMs were harvested at indicated times post-infection and assayed for caspase-1 activation by western blotting for cleaved p10 caspase-1 subunit. pYopK – YopK expression plasmid, Vector – vector control plasmid. (B) WT or (C) Asc-/- BMMs were infected with wild-type (WT), ΔJ – yopJ mutant, or ΔJK – yopJK mutant Y. pseudotuberculosis and assayed for caspase-1 activation by western blotting (D) Percent cytotoxicity in WT and isogenic Nlrp3-/- macrophages infected with indicated bacterial strains was assayed 4 hours post-infection (E) WT BMM lysates were harvested at indicated minutes post-infection and assayed for caspase-1 activation following infection with either WT or T3SS strains or S. typhimurium (Stm), or treated with LPS+ATP in the presence or absence of 100 mM KCl, as indicated. Data are representative of two to three independent experiments.