Figure 5. Development of ciliary neurons correlates with redistribution of ezrin and F-actin.
Ciliary ganglia from St 35 and St 40 embryos were double stained with anti-N-cadherin (a, b) and antiezrin antibodies (c, d). Ezrin is localized to the membrane at St 35 and it becomes mostly cytosolic by St 40, suggesting a decrease in endogenous RhoA activity at St 40 as compared to St 35. g, h) Ciliary ganglion labeled with phalloidin-Alexa 488 to visualize the subcellular distribution of F-actin. Arrowheads in all panels point to the cell membrane. Scale bar in e for a, c, and e = 5μm; scale bar in f for b, d, and f = 5 μm, scale bar in g and h = 5 μm.