Integration Structure |
Quantity-how much integration has occurred relative to the amount originally specified? |
Who is involved-are all the relevant sectors and jurisdictions represented? |
Level of support-are representatives merely seen to be at the table or are they truly involved (e.g., number of meetings attended, number of presentations made)? |
Financial commitment-is it sufficient to meet needs for interventions of sufficient intensity? Are there ties into funding allocation mechanisms; is funding offered to be sustained, renewed, or a one-time allocation? |
Political will-is there access and approval by senior policy makers? |
Bureaucratic will-is there access and approval by senior decision makers? Commitment of other resources-are time, people, and physical support in place? |
Sustainability-are the necessary conditions met? |
Integration criteria-have they been sufficiently met to merit further funding? |
Integration Process |
What is the quality of the integration: smooth, responsive to change and context, collaborative? |
How are stakeholders involved; what is their level of commitment, resources, investment? What are the mechanisms for approval, involvement? |
Does information flow both top down and bottom up? |
Does information flow in a timely manner? |
What are the facilitators and barriers to the process? Have they been addressed? |
Who is accountable for the intervention(s)? Is it shared over by the group, or is it held by individual sectors and levels? With either scenario, how are decisions made, and by whom? Do all stakeholders feel they have some ownership? |
How does the integrated program/intervention manage the boundaries - the process of managing a fully 'integrated' intervention process is highly complex and dynamic. |