The effects of FPI and exercise on levels of carbonyls and synapsin I. Panel at A shows densitometric data of the level of carbonyl groups in amino acid residues. The levels of carbonyls were increased significantly in FPI/Sed animals. Panel at B shows that FPI decreased levels of synapsin I (FPI-Sed), and that exercised counteracted the effects of FPI (FPI/exc). Exercise also elevated levels of synapsin I in sham animals (Sham/Ex). Values are mean±SEM percentage of control group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. Representative bands of Western blots are shown. Panel at C reveals a significant negative correlation between the level of oxidative protein damage (carbonyl groups), and synapsin I protein concentration. Values were calculated from the densitometric data obtained by Western blot analysis. (N=19, p<0.05, r=−0.63).