Table 1.
Allele-specific interactions between Mitf alleles and the Kittm1Alf allele visualized by white spotting of the coat
Genotype 1 | Inheritance | Genotype 2 | Inheritance | Spotting phenotype | Interaction | Reference |
Mitf+/+ | – | Kit+/+ | – | None | – | |
Mitf+/+ | – | Kittm1Alf/+ | Sd | Belly spot, white feet and tail | – | Bernex et al., 1996 |
MitfMi-b/+ | Sd | Kit+/+ | – | None | – | Steingrimsson et al., 1996 |
Mitfmi-ew/+ | Re | Kit+/+ | – | None | – | Nakayama et al., 1998 |
Mitfmi-rw/+ | Re | Kit+/+ | – | None | – | Bharti et al., 2008 |
Mitfmi-vga-9/+ | Re | Kit+/+ | – | None | – | Hodgkinson et al., 1993 |
MitfS73A/+ | Re | Kit+/+ | – | None | – | Bismuth et al., 2008 |
Mitf mi-bws/+ | Re | Kit+/+ | – | None | Hallsson et al., 2000 | |
Mitf Mi-b/+ | Sd | Kittm1Alf/+ | Sd | Belly spot, white feet and tail | NI | This paper |
Mitf mi-ew/+ | Re | Kittm1Alf/+ | Sd | Belly spot, white feet and tail | NI | This paper |
Mitf mi-rw/+ | Re | Kittm1Alf/+ | Sd | Belly spot, white feet and tail | NI | This paper |
Mitf mi-vga-9/+ | Re | Kittm1Alf/+ | Sd | Belly spot, white feet and tail | NI | This paper |
MitfS73A/+ | Re | Kittm1Alf/+ | Sd | Belly spot, white feet and tail | NI | This paper |
Mitf mi-bws/+ | Re | Kittm1Alf/+ | Sd | Extensive spotting around trunk, white feet, white tail | IN | This paper |
Ednrbtm1Myks/+ | Re | Kit+/+ | – | Occasional belly spot | NI | This paper |
Ednrbtm1Myks/+ | Re | Kittm1Alf/+ | Sd | Occasional belly spot | NI | This paper |
Mice containing the indicated alleles were obtained by appropriate crosses to yield 14 to 18 doubly heterozygous mice. Note that while many mutant Mitf alleles, when homozygous, cause small eyes (microphthalmia), there were no obvious eye phenotypes in Mitf heterozygotes alone or in combination with Kittm1Alf/+.
Backgrounds of parental strains: Mitf +/+; Kit +/+ (C57BL/6), Mitf+/+; Kittm1Alf (mixed C57BL/6; C3H/He), Mitf Mi-b (C57BL/6J; C3H/RI), Mitf mi-ew (C57BL/6Bn), Mitf mi-rw (C57BL/6J), Mitf mi-vga-9 (mixed C57BL/6J; C3H/He), MitfS73A (129S1/Sv; C57BL/6), Mitf mi-bws (C57BL/10).
Abbreviations: “–“: not applicable; NI: no gene interaction; IN: gene interaction; Sd: semi-dominant; Re: recessive.