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. 2010 May 19;92(1):106–114. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29207


IL-10 −819G→A is related to cold susceptibility1

Type of infection IL-10 −819G→A n Incidence2 RR (95% CI) P for RR3 P overall3
All upper respiratory G/G 278 0.74 1.41 (0.78, 2.55)4 0.25
A/G 193 0.94 1.73 (0.94, 3.14)4 0.07
A/A 29 0.5 1 0.08
Colds G/G 278 0.63 1.90 (0.92, 3.92)4 0.08
A/G 193 0.79 2.24 (1.08, 4.66)4 0.03
A/A 29 0.31 1 0.04

RR, rate ratio.


A negative binomial distribution was assumed for regression analysis of infection incidence. Effect was sex independent. Incidence is per person-year.


Adjusted for the natural log offset of time in the intervention study, supplementation, smoking, diabetes, dementia, baseline albumin and hemoglobin concentrations, year of enrollment, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, age, sex, baseline BMI, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension (α = 0.05).


Compared with the A/A genotype group.