Table 1.
Criterion for Diagnosis of ASD and a Corresponding Item on the DICA-ASD.
Criterion | DICA-ASD item | |
A | Traumatic event | Can you tell me what happened to you [traumatic event]? |
A2 | Response of horror, terror, or helplessness |
When this happened to you, did you feel absolutely terrified? |
B1 | Subjective sense of numbing | At the time of the [traumatic event] did you feel spaced out or dazed? |
B2 | Reduction in awareness | At the time of the [traumatic event], did what was happening seem unreal to you? |
B3 | Derealization | At the time of the [traumatic event], did time seem different? |
B4 | Depersonalization | At the time of the [traumatic event], did your body feel different or changed? |
B5 | Dissociative amnesia | At the time of the [traumatic event], were there parts you could not seem to remember? |
C | Re-experiencing | Since the time of the [traumatic event], have you had nightmares about [traumatic event] or other upsetting things? |
D | Marked avoidance | Since the time of the [traumatic event], have you tried to stay away from anything or anybody that might remind you of the [traumatic event]? |
E | Increased arousal | Since the time of the [traumatic event], do you feel more watchful about something or someone hurting you? |
F | Interference | Have these feelings been a very big problem for you? |
G | Duration | How long after [traumatic event], did any of these things start? |
Note. DICA-ASD = acute stress disorder module of the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents.