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. 2009 Nov;90(Pt 11):2622–2633. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.014175-0

Table 2.

Common VP1 consensus sequences recognized by human PBMCs

Peptide* VP1 consensus sequence† Responding donors SYFPEITHI prediction Epitope
Class I score‡ Class II score§
321–333 KEVTQNDGTTTI 16, 19, 50, 51 24 20 A
241–253 TTSTRTWALPTY 16, 50, 51 21 24 B
681–693 EIEWELQKENSK 13, 50, 51 21 26 C
9–21 DWLEDTLSEGIR 16, 50 21 32 D
57–69 NGLDKGEPVNEA 16, 50 20 27 E
113–125 NLGRAVFQAKKR 50, 51 28 20 F
121–133 AKKRVLEPLGLV 40, 50 29 20 G
249–261 LPTYNNHLYKQI 16, 51 24 24 H
257–269 YKQISSQSGASN 16, 51 23 I
265–277 GASNDNHYFGYS 16, 51 26 J
313–325 FKLFNIQVKEVT 16, 50 23 K
329–341 TTTIANNLTSTV 19, 50 22 24 L
393–405 YCLEYFPSQMLR 16, 50 21 28 M
457–469 QSRLQFSQAGAS 13, 16 25 N
553–565 DIEKVMITDEEE 13, 50 21 30 O
716–728 TNGVYSEPRPIGTRYLT 16, 51 24 21 P
505–516 ATKYHLNGRDSL 13, 50, 51 21 25 Q

*Peptide number corresponds to amino acid sequence of VP1. The full lists of peptides and sequences are detailed in Supplementary Tables S1 and S2.

†Consensus sequences were derived from the 12-mer overlap between pairs of PBMC-stimulating VP1 peptides with the exception of the overlap between peptides 90 and 91 which was of 17 amino acids. Pairs of peptide were considered positive if both produced an SI value >1 sd above the mean SI.

‡VP1 sequence was analysed using SYFPEITHI prediction for alleles of the HLA-A and HLA-B loci; output sequences were nonamers. Scores represent an arbitrary peptide binding capacity for each peptide.

§VP1 sequence was analysed using SYFPEITHI prediction for alleles of the HLA-DRB locus; output sequences were 15-mers. For both class I and II, the best score obtained is reported. Scores below 20 are not reported.