Tau expression level affects early neurite initiation induced by NGF. A, average number of neurites per cell in PC6-3 or in stable cell lines D5 or rTau4 was determined after a 36-h NGF differentiation. rTau4 +hTau denotes rTau4 transfected with hTau and scored for neurite initiation as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Results are shown as the average ± S.E. from three independent experiments (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.005). B, average number of neurites per cell was determined as in A for PC6-3 or rTau4 cells differentiated in the presence of NGF, with or without the addition of 0.1 μm taxol. rTau4+taxol+S262D/S356D denotes rTau4 transfected with the S262D/S356D mutant Tau plasmid 24 h prior to simultaneous taxol-NGF treatment. Neurite initiation was scored and results are shown as described in A (*, p < 0.05). C–F, PC6-3 or rTau4, differentiated with NGF for 36 h in the presence or absence of taxol as indicated, were fixed, labeled with anti-tubulin, and viewed by confocal microscopy as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Scale bar = 10 μm.