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. 2010 May 12;10:7. doi: 10.1186/1472-698X-10-7

Table 2.

Causes of DM.

Main analytical categorya Factor Numbers (n)
Factors related to the individual Heredity: 5 15b
'....both of my parents are diabetic. I inherited it from them'
Wrong food:
'...especially foods that contain too much sugar' 3 146
Treatment with drugs:
'... the hydrochlorothiazide that I was taking' 5 5b
'..maybe anti-hypertensive drugs'
Diseases of the pancreas: '...problems with the pancreas' 2 13b
Obesityb 17b
Wrong dietary habitb 14b
Disease of the pancreasb 13b
Factors related to the social sphere Stressb 8b
Disturbances in relations to othersb 5b
Factors related to the supernatural sphere Supernatural thoughtsb 3b
Punishment from God, or godsb 3b
Witchcraftb 4b
Fateb 8b

aAnalytical categories according to the lay model of illness causation by Helman (2007).

bExplanations of causes of DM evolved in discussions of a list of potential causes of DM.

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