The BBB scores over time for 25 and 50g-cm injured animals are shown in A. Each outcome measure increased significantly from week 1 to week 3 (ANOVA and post-hoc t-test; *, p<.01; **, p<.05). The inset shows the mean spared white matter (SWM; cross sectional area) at the injury epicenter, which was significantly different for the two groups (Independent t-test; *, p<.05). B. The angular excursion of the IHA (iliac crest – hip – ankle) and HAT (hip – ankle – toe) angles over time are shown for 3 steps taken by a representative 25g-cm injured rat at week 1 with the weight support of 5cm of water. C shows the mean PSI ± SD (Plantar Stepping Index) for 25g-cm injured animals at weeks 1, 2 and 3 when assessed walking in a dry tank (Dry) and with the weight support of 5cm of water (Wet). Animals achieved significantly higher PSIs when walking in 5cm of water as compared to a dry tank at each time point tested (Independent t-test; *, p<.05). D. Shown is the mean PSI ± SD for 50g-cm injured animals at weeks 1, 2 and 3 assessed in both the dry and wet (5cm of water) conditions. The PSI indicates that these animals could achieve a few plantar hindlimb steps in 5cm of water but could not when walking in a dry tank.