Cell viability of SW480 cells after 5 days of incubation with 5–20 μg (ml medium)−1
t10, c12 CLA (fermented oils from CLA-producing L. lactis and E. coli or pure t10, c12 CLA) or 5–25 μg (ml medium)−1 linoleic acid (control linoleic acid extracted from broth and fermented oils of L. lactis and E. coli vector controls). Data represent cell viability expressed as a percentage of the ethanol control, which was taken as 100 %. White bars, control linoleic acid (extracted from broth after 72 h incubation); light-grey bars, E. coli pEV01 fermented oil; dark-grey bars, pure t10, c12 CLA standard (Matreya); black bars, L. lactis pEV01 fermented oil; diagonal-hatched bars, L. lactis vector control fermented oil; horizontal-hatched bars, E. coli vector control fermented oil. Since the recombinantly produced t10, c12 CLA samples also contained other fatty acids, all calculated concentrations were based on the amount of t10, c12 CLA (or linoleic acid in the control samples) present in the samples. Three independent experiments were performed on separate occasions and each time in triplicate for each fatty acid treatment, and Student's t test was used to determine significant differences between treatments. Error bars represent sd. ***Values significantly different (P<0.001) from that of the control (linoleic acid extracted from broth).