Fig. 8.
Maintaining dosing does not decrease neuroinflammation or infarct volume at 2 weeks. CD11b immunoreactivity localized to amoeboid microglia/macrophages throughout the infarct in tissues from animals treated with vehicle (b) or 7.5 mg/kg DTG (c). Increased isolectin binding was also detected and localized to cells exhibiting morphology consistent with “foamy” macrophages (e, f). This cellular immune response occurred irrespective of treatment and was markedly elevated relative to sham controls, which showed CD11b-expressing cells with ramified morphology (a) and virtually no lectin-binding immune cells (d). Separate tissues were immunohistochemically stained for NeuN and infarct volume was quantified (g). Animals treated with DTG showed no significant differences in infarct volume compared to vehicle-treated controls. Scale bars=50 μm